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Well Done, Good and Faithful Mommy: Finding Fulfillment as a Mom-on-the-Go (Regal Books). Find fulfillment in knowing that every task, no matter how small, has incredible significance to God. $12.99 (Free shipping in the U.S.).
A mom’s work is never finished—from changing diapers and fixing meals, to helping kids with their homework. Often the first one to rise and the last one to sleep, a mom doesn’t need a special award for her work; she just wants to feel like her work matters and is appreciated. But often, mothers don’t always feel they are affirmed for all that they do.
While moms tend to look to people for affirmation, the truth is, the only place to find this appreciation is to look to God. Based on Matthew 25:31-46, where Jesus tells his servants that the work they’ve done for the least of these, they have done directly for Him, Well Done, Good and Faithful Mommy helps moms realize that everything they offer their children, they offer directly to Jesus. Moms will find fulfillment in knowing that every task they do, no matter how small, has incredible significance to God. Every mom will rest knowing one day she will hear Jesus say the words she longs to hear, “Well done, good and faithful mommy.”
Order your copy of Well Done, Good and Faithful Mommy today using the form below.

Manna for Moms: God’s Provision for Your Hair-Raising, Miracle-Filled Mothering Adventure (Regal Books). Sixty brand new devotions with reflection questions to encourage you in your role as a mom. $12.99 (Free shipping in the U.S.).
Between diaper changes, carpools, meals and spills, you probably wonder if it’s possible to find quality time with God. If only you could connect with your Creator and vacuum cereal out of the car seat at the same time. Megan Breedlove, a stay-at-home mom of four energetic little ones, has discovered the secret: Recognize He is there in every messy, miraculous moment. Manna for Moms is a one-mom-to-another devotional that will inspire you to look up and lighten up-even when you’re cleaning up!
God speaks to His children through His calling on their lives, which means that you, Mom—who have a high and holy calling, indeed—can listen for God’s voice and respond to Him even as you tackle the daily tasks of mothering your children. Each devotion in Manna for Moms is encouragement and inspiration to face every hectic day with an open heart, expecting God to reveal Himself in the midst of whatever chaos arises! Megan also offers tips and suggestions for staying tuned in to God’s presence in your interactions with your kids. Instead of struggling to find time with God, share your hair-raising mothering adventure with your loving Heavenly Father.
An autographed copy of Manna for Moms is available for purchase using the form below: (Kindle version available here)