Macaroni Soup

I love my crock pot. I think it’s neat how you can throw a few ingredients in there, turn the pot on, and come back later to find a nice, homemade dinner all ready for you. So yesterday morning, before church, I assembled the ingredients for a new macaroni-and-Velveeta cheese dish, doubled the recipe, and put them all into the crock pot. I pushed “low” and prepared to collect all the brownie points I knew my kids would send my way when we sat down to eat in a few hours.

I had to stay home from church with Ellie, who was suffering from allergies. So I peered through the crock pot lid a few times. Hmm, doesn’t look like the milk is thickening very much, I mused each time. Oh, well. Maybe it just needs more time.

My husband and other children arrived home from church. “Mmmm, what smells so good?” the kids asked.

“Macaroni,” I said smugly. They cheered as I prepared to serve it up.

The only problem was that it still didn’t look very thick. Sure, it had improved some, but I like my macaroni to be super thick, as in absolutely-no-liquid-at-all thick, and there was definitely liquid there. “Honey, it didn’t turn out!” I moaned to my husband outside the kids’ hearing. “I don’t know what happened, but there’s still liquid in it.”

“Call it ‘macaroni soup’,” my husband responded. “You know, ‘when life gives you lemons’….”

The kids loved Mommy’s Cheesy Macaroni Soup. “Wow, this tastes just like regular macaroni and cheese!” they said. (“Um, yeah. It’s pretty similar,” I said.)

So, thanks to my husband’s quick thinking, we had a great and somewhat exotic (“I’ve never had this before!” Kenny exclaimed) meal. We all enjoyed it. And Mommy still got those brownie points.

How different things would have been had I decided that because the meal didn’t turn out the way I planned, it was no good. I would have been bummed, and I probably would have presented the macaroni to the kids while saying something like, “I’m sorry it has so much liquid. You can just eat the macaroni pieces if you want.” They would have taken my cue that there was something wrong with it, and they wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as they did when I offered it to them as something special.

I wonder how much enjoyment you and I miss out on in life because things don’t turn out quite the way we planned. Many times when something doesn’t work out, we see that as negative instead of looking for the positive in the situation. For example, I wanted to go to church this morning. My daughter’s having allergies prevented that. But if I had focused on what I was missing by not being at church, I also would have missed the pleasure of spending quiet, uninterrupted time with her doing some of our favorite quiet activities together. I would have missed the gift God was offering because I was stuck on not having gotten the one I hoped for.

What is there in your life right now that might be an unexpected gift instead of the disaster it seems to be? Even if it is partially a disaster, might there also be something good you can get out of it? Sure, you wouldn’t have chosen this situation, but you’ve got it, so instead of focusing on the fact that it’s not what you wanted, maybe you could cooperate with God’s desire to redeem it in your life by asking Him what good He wants to give you in the midst of the bad.

I’m not saying to sweep your pain under the rug. After all, you’re well aware there’s too much liquid in the macaroni. But you can choose your perspective. You can either see it as an unmitigated disappointment, or you can decide that even though it’s not what you hoped, it can still, in some ways, be a good thing.

And sometimes, macaroni soup turns out to be more fun than plain old macaroni anyway.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Tremble Not

You know how you hear something over and over, and it never means all that much until WHAM! the same old words you thought you knew reach out and smack you between the eyes?

Such was the case for me last Sunday in church. In the bulletin was listed the hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”. Oh, good, I thought. I like that one. When it came time to sing the song, I sang along with everyone else. I wasn’t using the hymnal because I know almost all the words. I was kind of singing on autopilot, enjoying the sounds of the congregation’s voices raised together and of the organ music.


The third verse goes like this: “And tho’ this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph thro’ us.”

I know what it’s like to have this devil-filled world threaten to undo me. Maybe you do too. So I was excited about this stanza, because it reminds me that I don’t have to fear! Over and over in Scripture, my God has promised that I will triumph!

But then came the next line, the one that was so meaningful to me: “The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him.”


All of a sudden, I could see clearly the ways in which I had indeed been trembling because of the Prince of Darkness, that is, Satan. Oh, I know that Jesus has saved me and will take me to heaven to live with Him one day. I don’t tremble in terms of my eternal destiny. Nor do I tremble in fear that I might not be victorious one day; I know I will be because God has already won the victory.

My trembling looks more like trying to force people to treat me a certain way so that I can feel loved and secure. Satan has used circumstances in my past to wound me to such an extent that sometimes, the thought that something similar might be happening again seems like the worst thing I can imagine at that moment. So when someone acts a certain way toward me, or fails to take action, the pain from those experiences in my life rises up and demands a response. The fact that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God will take care of me gets pushed into the background.

The thing is, Satan can’t cause me to tremble unless I allow him to. I don’t have to tremble before him or his plans because greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. Yes, certain things happened or failed to happen in the past, but I don’t have to let those things determine how I respond today. And I don’t have to live in fear that anything that might happen in the present can truly harm me, because I have a God who loves me passionately and has promised that He’ll always take care of me.

True, sometimes people do wound me. But being wounded by someone’s verbal remarks (or lack thereof) here on earth not the worst thing that can happen, even when my emotions tell me that it is. The worst thing that can happen is that in those moments I might forget that God has already won the victory over my pain and that I don’t need to tremble anymore. The worst thing would be trembling instead of standing strong and secure in the knowledge that God loves me and won’t let anything destroy me.

As the third verse continues, “His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure. One little word shall fell him.” In other words, one day God is going to put an end to Satan’s ever hurting anyone ever again. You won’t be destroyed by Satan’s schemes. For one thing, Jesus has brought you into relationship with Himself and will never let you go. For another, Satan is already defeated by Jesus’ victory over sin and death. He just doesn’t recognize it yet.

Satan’s doom is sure—not yours. That means you’ve already won the victory.

So don’t tremble before Satan and his schemes any more. Praise God, you don’t have to.

John 10:28—“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”

1 Corinthians 15:57—But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 John 5:4-5—For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

1 John 4:4—Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Be Still: A Video by Lisa Chan

Have you ever thought you would love to have time to spend with God, if only you could figure out when to do it?

Have you ever felt caught up in the craziness and distractions of being a woman, wife, and mother, so much so that you know exactly what each of your children would order in a Happy Meal, but you don’t really know God?

In this first video in Lisa Chan’s series entitled Be Still, Lisa identifies with the rest of us in our struggles. She does not present herself as a spiritual giant, but rather as a fellow sister in Christ who has dealt with the same issues as the rest of us. Graciously, compassionately, and lovingly, Lisa reminds us that while it may indeed be difficult to get alone with God and be still, “the things of this world are passing and not important.” She makes the vital point that “I don’t think it’s possible to know God without being still and putting the time and the effort into your relationship with Him.”

“And you know, you know that [the things of this life are] not what you really want,” Lisa says. “So don’t let the distractions and don’t let this world and don’t let Satan have any victory over you. You just choose right now to say, ‘I will choose today to know my Savior, to be connected to Him, to love Him’. Start today.”

Isn’t this what we all need, moms? To know God better? Through Lisa’s honest sharing of her own struggles, she shows us how moms in everyday circumstances need God—not just need to read the Bible and attend church more, but need God Himself—and can come to know Him. Susan, a friend of Lisa’s, also shares her story about how she came to know God as He sustained her through a difficult time in her life.

Whether or not life is going smoothly for you or not, you need God. You need to know Him, not just know about Him. Lisa will empathize with you in the difficulties of making time to be still with God, even as she doesn’t accept any excuses for not having time. Hers is a balanced and encouraging approach for every mom who knows she needs God, but needs someone to help her get started.

This video would be great not only for individuals who would like to feel as if they’re having a personal conversation with Lisa (she makes this easy to do) but also for groups, as a discussion starter.

You can purchase this video from

*I received no compensation for this review other than a free copy of the DVD.

Any Other Mommy

Yesterday was one of those mornings. Nothing “big” had happened, but every little thing seemed to be getting on my nerves. I was crabby. And to make matters worse, it was Sunday, so we were getting ready for church.

So when poor Lindsey came up to me and said hesitantly, “I hope this won’t make you mad, but…would you…would you braid my hair?” I didn’t really want to. I sighed and said ungraciously, “Fine. Come here.”

Lindsey handed me the two elastics she’d picked out—lavender, to match her dress—and a brush. I divided her hair into two sections and began to French braid it. And all the while, I was thinking, Nobody cares that Mama hasn’t gotten to eat breakfast yet. Everybody else’s needs come first.

Though I remained silent as I worked, my attitude was getting worse and worse, until….

“Thank you for braiding my hair,” Lindsey said humbly. “You’re the best mommy in the world.”

“You’re welcome,” I said, graciously this time, because I knew I’d been wrong. I also knew that more conviction was coming, and I was right.

“I bet no other mommy would have done it,” Lindsey said gratefully and meekly—and trying to encourage me, of all things. “I bet any other mommy would have said, ‘No. There’s no time’.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” I said, and this time I meant it. And I wanted to cry.

The sweetness of Lindsey’s spirit yesterday morning—her sweet, giving, generous nature—stood in sharp contrast to the smallness of mine. And I realized not only that I had been very wrong, but that I’m sure glad God has a far better attitude about giving to me than I did about giving to my daughter.

God absolutely loves to give to me and to you, His beloved children. He delights in our asking Him for anything we need, from little things like having our hair braided all the way up to big things like…well, maybe that was the big thing. At least it was to Lindsey. And instead of looking at her request as an opportunity to show how much I love her by cheerfully serving her, I only saw it selfishly, as if my getting to eat breakfast when I wanted to was more important than ministering to her spirit and helping her fulfill her desire to look nice for a special event at church.

God, on the other hand, never reacts selfishly when I bring my requests to Him. He never says, “Oh, for goodness’ sake, I’m busy listening to the angels worship Me. Come back later.” He never fulfills my request, all the while making it clear that He doesn’t really want to. Instead, He gives freely, generously, and willingly, and He takes pleasure in doing so.

Precious mom, our kids and their requests are not an inconvenience to us. Our children are precious gifts from God, and their requests are God-sponsored opportunities to flood our children’s hearts with love and the sense that they are worth Mommy’s time. We don’t have to be those “any other” mommies Lindsey spoke of. We can be the mommy of our child’s dreams.

Responding to our child isn’t an interruption of something more important; it is the more important thing. But do we act like it? I’m ashamed that my answer is “no, not always”. But I’m working on my attitude, especially after yesterday.

If you need to join me in working on yours too, I recommend that you listen to Scotty McCreery’s song “Dirty Dishes.” For that matter, this song is worth your time even if you are strong in this area. It’s not an overtly Christian song, but I promise you that there’s nothing offensive in it. The mom in this song has the attitude I want to have. She is grateful for…well, I’ll let you hear it for yourself:

Grateful for opportunities to serve instead of being selfish. That’s where I want to be. I know you do too.

Philippians 2:3—Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Just Like I Said

I wrote before about the vacation my family and I took to Austin (our state capital) when my husband had to attend a professional conference. The rest of us went with him, and we all stayed at a nice hotel. My kids still talk about that vacation, especially our youngest, Jessica (she’s 4). Every now and then, she says, “I wish we could attach our house to the hotel and live there forever.”

Her favorite part of being at the hotel was the pool. Even more often than wishing to attach our house to the hotel, Jessica says, “Can we go back to that place where they had the cold pool and the hot pool (a hot tub)?” She absolutely loved the pool, and so did the rest of the kids and I.

We spent several hours on a couple of different occasions playing in the pool and hot tub. For some reason, we were the only people at the pool both times—which was fine by me. It felt sort of like a private pool. I wasn’t always in the water with them, though. Sometimes, I sat on a nearby lounge chair and watched them.

Ever so often, one of the kids would check back in with me. “Mommy, are you watching us?” We are very conscious about pool safety, and I’ve made sure the kids know that they are never to swim unless there is an adult watching them closely.

“Yes, I’m still watching,” I would say. “I’m right here, just like I said I would be.”

Just like I said. As those words left my mouth one time, I could almost hear God speaking them to me. I’m right here. Just like I said I would be.

Just as my kids immediately felt more confident in their play upon realizing that Mommy was watching and would take care of them, I felt more secure upon hearing God’s words. God’s with me. He’s taking care of me right now. I can live confidently as long as God is watching.

Granted, sometimes bad things do happen to Christians. Christians aren’t immune from financial difficulties, sickness, or even death. But neither do Christians need to be afraid of living. We shouldn’t fear attempting new things when God is looking on in approval (and of course, having His approval is key). We shouldn’t be anxious about going out there and having a blast. There’s simply no reason to be afraid.

Mom, do you hold back from truly living because you’re afraid something might go wrong? Do you stay safely on the side of the pool because you’re afraid to venture into the water? Or are you willing to get into the water and have fun?

True, it was possible that one of my children could have mistakenly strayed into the deep end of the pool and needed rescuing. But I would have been there to perform the rescue. Likewise, if something goes wrong in our life, God has had a solution in mind since before the foundation of the world. He doesn’t want us to miss out on living because we’re afraid of what might go wrong. He wants us to remember that if something does go wrong (and eventually, that will happen, because we live in a fallen world), He will take care of it.

But not only that, He wants us to realize that He is not a mere observer on the side of the pool watching us live our lives. He is right there in the water with us. We don’t live life on our own. We live life with God right there, having fun with us when things go right, and ready to hold us up so we don’t drown as He puts His solution into place when things go wrong.

With such a God, why would we not fling ourselves into the pool and live? Why would we miss out on all the fun and everything God has planned for us because of fear? Especially when that fear is unrealistic, because nothing can happen to us that God isn’t prepared to handle?

Jump in, my friend. As long as you’re jumping into His arms, you have nothing to worry about.

Hebrews 13:6—the Lord is my helper and my salvation; I will not fear. What can mortal man [or life, or circumstances] do to me?