When You’re in Need

First Aid KitSunday morning, when I got up, I found this note on an index card stuck in my bathroom mirror:

I was up really late with Kenny last night because he had an earache. Please let everyone sleep as long as possible. Love, Phil

Fortunately, Kenny’s ear felt much better when he woke up for the day. But later that morning, my husband told me that he and Kenny hadn’t been able to get to bed until 2:45 a.m.

I thought about Kenny’s earache when I sat down to write this week’s devotional, and about how Phil stayed up with him. Phil had said that Kenny kept trying to go to bed, but his ear pain kept waking him up. Several times, he came out of his room to let Daddy know he couldn’t sleep, and each time, Daddy would try another remedy. Phil explained that he simply stayed up until 2:45, when Kenny was finally asleep, knowing that if he went back to bed, he would likely have to get up again anyway.

God watches over you and me in the same way—except for waking up tired the next morning. The Bible tells us that He doesn’t ever sleep; He’s always busy taking care of us, night and day. While it’s true that God doesn’t have a physical body that needs sleep, let’s not let that fact distract us from the incredible reality: God is constantly, 100% of the time, watching over us.

Even while we’re asleep, He watches over us. When we’re paying no attention to Him whatsoever, He watches over us. His care is so constant, His love so perfectly persistent, that He never takes His eyes off us. Not for a second.

We know this fact, but we usually think of it in terms of, “God is always watching, so I better not sin.” We don’t realize it’s also a joyous revelation: “God is always watching so that He can take care of me and meet any need I have.”

Just as Phil sat ready and waiting for Kenny to come say that he needed him, so God is always ready for us to come to Him and tell Him we’re in need. Yes, He already knows what we need even before we ask, but sometimes, He waits for us to ask before He provides. Just as Kenny would not have received help from Daddy if he had remained in his room, so we sometimes miss out on God’s help because we don’t ask.

Whatever your need is—whether you’re in pain in the middle of the night, as Kenny was, or whether you’re in need in broad daylight—go tell God you need help.

He’s ready and waiting to hear from you.

Psalm 121:4—Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

Growing Up

On October 13, our son Kenny turned ten.

Somehow, he’s now in the double-digits stage of life, despite the fact that it seems like I gave birth to him only last week. I don’t know where the time has gone, but it must have gone somewhere. Because now, instead of being a helpless baby I can easily cuddle in one arm, Kenny is tall and independent. He’s competent and smart. He’s sweet. He’s compassionate.


Kenny the PoohWatching and helping Kenny grow has been an incredible adventure. It hasn’t always been easy, though. From the beginning, Kenny has had some developmental delays as well as other issues that prevented his growing on the steadily upward trajectory I’d always assumed my children would follow.

For us, it was a big deal when Kenny learned to walk—a really big deal. We were so excited when he finally—in the church nursery—walked 11 steps in a row. When he learned to hold a conversation (which he’s still working on), we rejoiced. When he conquered his fear of “buttons, snaps, and zippers” so that he could wear clothing with those items, we congratulated him and told him what a big, brave boy he was.

Each achievement Kenny has made, each milestone he has accomplished on his journey to being the awesome ten-year-old kid he is today, we have applauded—sometimes literally. Not once did we ever say, “That’s no big deal. Everybody should be able to do that.”

We certainly didn’t say, “What’s the matter with you?” and turn away in disgust.

Yet too often, you and I think that that’s the way God reacts to us.

Somehow, we’ve gotten this idea in our heads that God is a little (or a lot) disgusted with us. Or at the very least, unimpressed. We figure that if we want Him to be truly impressed with us, we’d have to be a lot more holy, or skilled, or (you fill in the blank) than we are right now.

The reality, however, is that God is thrilled with us. No, He doesn’t love our sin. But He loves us, and He doesn’t wait until we’re perfectly mature to start loving. Each baby step we make on the road toward spiritual maturity delights Him. He rejoices with us in our accomplishments, and He applauds them.

How do I know? Because any good thing we can do, any ability we have to treat our children the right way, comes from being made in God’s image. If we have the desire to love our children so deeply that we accept them just as they are, and to applaud each of their accomplishments, it’s because we’re in some measure doing what is in God’s character to do. He, after all, is the ultimate Parent.

What does this mean for us? It means we need to consider how far we’ve come in our own lives—and to remember that God has been there every step of the way, cheering us on. Maybe sometimes, our development has been delayed. Even then, God was with us, rejoicing in each accomplishment that may have been small for others but was a big deal for us.

What are you working on now in your life? What needs improvement? God doesn’t condemn you for needing to improve. Instead, He walks with you as you wrestle with whatever it is, and He cheers you on.

Kenny at 10It’s been a little more than ten years since I gave birth to Kenny. In those ten years, he’s grown incredibly, and I’ve been privileged to be part of his life and growth.

In those same ten years, I’ve grown, too. Actually, I’ve been growing for 43 years, and God has been with me every step of the way—my biggest fan and biggest encourager, the One who loves me most.

He’s with you, too, in the same way—watching you grow, cheering for you, and always, always loving you.

Never forget that.

Psalm 103:13-14—As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him. For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust. (ESV)

When Life’s Not Fair

unfair“That’s not fair!”

How many times have you heard that at your house? I’ve heard it plenty in mine. My children say it when they believe someone else got treated better than they did, or when they didn’t get something they want. And while they’re not always correct about the issue of fairness as it pertains to them, they’re right about one thing, at least.

Sometimes, life just isn’t fair.

Sometimes, 12-year-old girls have babies and leave them in dumpsters, when you and your husband have been trying to conceive for years and haven’t been successful (this was our situation).

Sometimes, people treat you badly…and then blame it on you.

Sometimes, people who make ungodly decisions and choices seem to prosper financially and in every other way, while you and your family do your best to live the way God wants you to…and yet still struggle to pay the bills.

Sometimes, good people get sick. Sometimes, they die. Sometimes children die.

Life isn’t always fair. It just doesn’t work that way.

We grieve over the unfairness of it all as we suffer. Why me? Why her? Why anybody at all?

I don’t have the answers, though sometimes I wish I did. I do know that unfairness entered into the world when sin entered in because of Adam and Eve. But knowing that we live in a fallen, sinful world, and that that’s why life isn’t fair, doesn’t make us feel much better when injustice strikes.

So what do we do? How do we deal with life when it seems unfair and we know there’s not much (if anything) we can do about it?

Two things. First, we fix our eyes on Jesus.

When people disappoint you, fix your eyes on the only One who never will. Contemplate His beauty. Not physical beauty (we’re told that He wasn’t anything special to look at); but the beauty of His character. Let someone’s sin against you remind you to turn your eyes to the only One who will never do you wrong. Let someone’s lack of love direct your gaze to the One who loves you perfectly and permanently. Let someone’s insufficiency point you to the all-sufficient One; let neglect or laziness remind you that Jesus never sleeps; let disappointment in someone’s character make you all the more grateful for Jesus, whom you will only love and admire more and more as you get to know Him better.

No, fixing your eyes on Jesus won’t make the pain of your earthly troubles go away—not entirely. But it will comfort you in the midst of them.

Second, we do what Jesus did when He lived in a world full of injustice. We look forward to the joy set before us.

This week’s verse tells us that for the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross (the ultimate in unfair treatment by human beings) even though He hated the shame of it. In other words, Jesus knew that the cross was going to be cruel, yet He went through it anyway because He knew that set before Him was incredible joy.

The same joy is set before us, and you and I need to remember this when we face life’s cruelties too. When life is unfair, remember that in heaven, there will be no more unfairness. No more! When evildoers prosper, remember that in heaven, there will be no more sin. When we don’t understand how or why something could have happened, remember that in heaven, nothing bad will happen ever again. Ever!

In fact, we’re told that the joy that awaits us will make the sufferings of this world look like nothing (see Romans 8:18). Can you imagine a joy so great that it will make the pain you feel now look weak by comparison? I can’t fully imagine it either. But…wow!

I know it’s really easy to focus on the thing (or person) that hurt or offended us. But the Bible says, Don’t do that! Look at Jesus instead!

It’s easy to focus on our pain. But instead, we’re told, Think about the coming joy!

No, life isn’t fair. But there is Someone who is.

Life isn’t always joyous. But there’s a place that is.

Fix your eyes on Jesus—not on your circumstances, or even on other people. And remember the coming joy. Always remember the joy.

Hebrews 12:1-2 – Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (KJV)

Too Much Stuff

Riley Center RoomDo you ever look around at your house and wish you could get rid of half the stuff you own?

I do, especially after times like this past weekend, when I led a retreat for moms and stayed in a really nice hotel room for two days. With only the room furnishings and the items in the carry-on-sized suitcase I’d brought with me, I did just fine. In fact, it was kind of nice to spend two whole days in a place that was clean and uncluttered.

When I got home, I found that after two days of more spartan living, my house seemed even more cluttered than it had before I left. Now, I’m wishing I could somehow go through my home and get rid of at least half the stuff we own. Maybe more.

It’s not that our house is bad, by American standards. It’s just that I really enjoyed living with the basics for a little while, and I’d like to get closer to that in our home. I am more at peace when my home is uncluttered and neat. If giving up a bunch of stuff is what it takes to make that happen, I think it just might be worth it.

For that matter, I’d probably benefit from de-cluttering my spiritual house, too. Maybe you’d like to clean out yours, as well. Let’s look at three things we could get rid of.

First, let’s get rid of anything out of place that might trip us up. Just as leaving toys on the floor can cause us to fall, so can leaving sins lying around. When I see toys lying around, I’m tempted to leave them there until I can do something about them later—or until I can get somebody else (namely, the kids) to do something about them. Leaving sins undealt with until some future time, or hoping someone else will do something about them, however, is even worse than leaving a toy in the middle of the living room floor. If I trip over the toy, I might hurt myself, though probably not very badly. But if my sin trips me up, the risk of spiritual damage is far greater.

Next, let’s get rid of the books on our shelves that contain information that is inaccurate. We have a beautiful set of built-in shelves in our home that my husband constructed when we were remodeling the dining room. Most of those shelves are filled with books. Many of the books contain teachings based on the truth of God’s Word. But if there were any that espoused ideas that were actually contrary to Scripture, I would want to get rid of those. Likewise, we need to get rid of the books in our spiritual shelves that are filled with Satan’s lies. Books with titles like You’re Worthless or God Doesn’t Love You or You’re a Terrible Mom. Wherever these lies came from, whether our parents or society or somewhere else, they originated from the pit of hell. Satan loves it when we keep these books on our shelves, and especially when we read them over and over again. They’re his favorites, too. So let’s get rid of them and replace them with titles like You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made or God is Madly in Love with You or You’re a Great Mom.

Third, let’s get rid of anything that’s no good anymore: the leftovers in the fridge that have been there too long, the expired medications, the clothes that can’t be mended, the furniture that’s no longer sturdy. These things were good for you at one time, but not anymore. Now they’re either of no use to you, or outright harmful. Spiritually speaking, perhaps you have some relationships that need to be reevaluated in terms of how much contact you should continue to have with that person due to the way they treat you or the influence they have upon you. Maybe there are some activities your family participates in that, while not bad in and of themselves, are not longer suitable for your family’s interests or schedule. Is there a goal you’ve been trying to reach that you need to realize is not God’s will for you? Get rid of it too.

If I were to get rid of a large portion of the things my family and I own, I would enjoy the simplicity and peace of having to deal with fewer possessions. If I clean my spiritual house, I know I will receive even greater benefits. You will too, if you clean yours.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a more intimate relationship with God? Wouldn’t you love for your soul to be more relaxed and at peace?

Clean your spiritual house.

Daniel 12:10—Many shall purify themselves and make themselves [spotless] and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.