Holy BibleTwo days ago, I finished the manuscript for my third book, Chaotic Joy: Finding Abundance in the Messiness of Motherhood. I still need to change some things before sending it to my editor, and then, of course, I’ll need to make any revisions she suggests. But the lion’s share of the work is done.

I’m relieved. Yes, I enjoyed writing the book, but I’m also glad to be finished. Now I can fine-tune the details and turn it into the best book it can be, one that God will hopefully use to touch the lives of thousands of women and lead them into a closer relationship to Himself.

And the thought occurs to me, as I sit here poised to go through the rest of the editing and finishing process with my book, that God has written a book too—and His was perfect just the way it was.

Now let me be clear about one thing: I am not comparing the worth of my book in any way to the worth of God’s Book—the Bible. But through calling me to author three books, God has taught me more about Himself as the ultimate Author. It’s this that I want to share with you.

You see, God wants the same thing I want for my book. He wants thousands (well, He wants billions) of people to read it, and He wants their lives to be changed. And to that end, He crafted the best Book He could, a Book so good it’s perfect. He did this by inspiring mere human beings to write the words that God knew would change lives, all over the world even two thousand years after they were written.

Some of you will eventually buy my book when it is released. That’s great. I presume you’ll read it, and I hope you’ll enjoy it and find it meaningful. But what’s even better is for you to own a copy of God’s Word and to read it—and not just once, but regularly.

His Book isn’t meant to be purchased and read once, then to sit on a shelf untouched. It’s designed to be read regularly and often. Even though you’ve read it before, it’s possible for you to find something new each time you read it, because the Holy Spirit can make it new in your heart.

Don’t think you have time to read it? Even the busiest mom has five minutes—or even two minutes—per day which she can spend reading the Book.

Don’t think it has anything new to teach you? I guarantee you’ll be surprised.

Doesn’t seem interesting? Then you haven’t read it for what it really is, a way to know God better. Theologian John R. W. Stott has said that “the Bible is God preaching”. In other words, when you read the words someone really wants to say, you’ll get to know that person better. It’s the same way with God. Read His words, and get to know Him better.

Once you get to know Him better, you’ll love Him more and more, because you’ll realize to a greater and greater extent how truly lovable He is. And once you come to know and love Him more—well, that’s when things really take off, spiritually speaking. How could you refuse benefits like that?

If you only read my book once, fine. But if you only read God’s Book once, you’re making a huge mistake.

2 Peter 1:21—For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (ESV)

2 Timothy 3:16—All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the [wo]man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (KJV)