Because of a sinful nature, every human being is born estranged from God. (Romans 3:23) God is morally perfect (holy), and therefore cannot look upon and ignore our sin. In His holiness, He must punish sin.

So where does that leave us? It leaves us deserving of death and hell. (Romans 6:23) It doesn’t matter if we are a “good person” in terms of the world’s standards. What matters is that God is holy, and we are not. In His perfection, God could easily and rightly consign us all to the hell we deserve. But for His glory, and out of His love for us, He devised a different plan.

That plan involved His only and perfect son Jesus coming to earth to live among us (John 3:16), fully God and fully human at the same time. Jesus lived a perfect life, and at the end of His human life, He was crucified by those who did not believe in Him. God accepted His perfect sacrifice as a sacrifice for our sins-yours and mine. In addition, God now counts Christ’s righteousness as our righteousness-yours and mine.

Isn’t that amazing? In this way, though we have sinned, we can stand spotless before a holy God, in right and loving relationship. There is only one thing we have to do, and that is to accept God’s provision of Jesus as our Savior, turning our life over to Him completely.

How do we do this? By confessing our sins and asking for forgiveness. Yes, it’s really as simple as that. God has promised that if we repent of our sins (which means being sorry we have committed them and desiring to turn from them) and ask for forgiveness, He will faithfully forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from their stains. (1 John 1:9)

We can be clean. We can be in right relationship with God. We can be new creatures, fit for heaven. We can live abundant life and have “every spiritual blessing”. We can receive God’s guidance and comfort through His Holy Spirit Whom He will send to live in our heart. Best of all, we can be right with God, loving Him and being loved infinitely in return.

Precious mommy friend, do you know Him? Do you know the God Who created you and loves you immeasurably? Who loved you so much He sent His only Son to die a cruel death in your place?

You can know Him right now. All it takes is a simple prayer in your own words, telling Him you need and want forgiveness for your sins, and you want to turn your entire life over to Him. He will meet you where you are.

To Him be all the glory that your life will never be the same.